There are libraries located in primary schools, secondary schools and teachers training colleges (Imeremba, 2020). The author went on to say the first official move towards the development of school library services in Nigeria came in 1967 with the appointment of a UNESCO school library adviser in the person of H.V bonny. His duty was to advice the federal government on the setting of school library service. In order words, from 1964, a federal school library services were in operation sponsored by UNESCO, which provided the textbooks, while the federal government paid the personnel. As a result, school libraries were organized in a number of schools in Lagos. Shortly afterwards, a “centralized school library service” to serve all secondary schools and teachers training colleges in Lagos was set up. Aguolu and Aguolu (2020), noted that by school libraries, one is specifically referring those libraries established as integral part of primary and secondary schools, with the objective of providing the instructional materials to enrich the curriculum, to supplement textbooks and classrooms instruction and to give students unlimited opportunity for learning. A school library is an integral part of the school. An excellent educational program cannot be developed without the support of a well-stocked library. The value of books in the life of a child has thus been highlighted by the international federation of library associations committee on library work with children cited by Aguolu and Aguolu (2020), that books are essential in the life and development of a child. They are stimulus to his intelligence and imaginations, an incentive to independent thinking and a source of information and enjoinment.
Background of the Study
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Background of the Study
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Background of the Study (400 words)
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Chapter One: Introduction
1.1 Background of the Study
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